Table of contents
GitHub is mainly used for the version control of the code that is being developed by the software developer.
A Git Repo or Repository is a workspace that tracks and manages files within a folder. whenever we want to create a project or app we need to create a new repository. we can have as many repos on a machine. where each repo can have separate history and its content.
Commit in git is similar to saving a file in a folder. we are taking a snapshot of a git repository in time. we can save single or multiple files in a git commit.
Basic Git Workflow
Basic Git Command
- Command to give information on the current status of the git repo and its content
>> git status
- Command to create a new repository
>> git init
Note: Before we start working on git-related operations we must initiate the repository
Warning: Do Not initiate a repo inside of a repo. before running the init command we must see the status of the folder with the status command to verify that we are not currently inside the repo.