Git Commit Workflow
Demystifying Git Commit Commands
- Unified Staging: Command to Stage All Changes Simultaneously
>> git add .
- Deciphering Staging: Commands to Prepare Specific Files for Commit. Add Multiple Files by Separating with Spaces.
>> git add file1 file2
- Sealing Changes: Command to Commit All Staged Modifications
>> git commit
- Comprehensive Committing: Command to Record All Staged Changes with a Descriptive Commit Message
>> git commit -m "<commit message>"
- Rectifying a Forgotten File: Employing the Following Command After a Commit to Include the Missing Changes
>> git commit -m "<commit message>"
>> git add <forgotten file>
>> git commit --amend
Basic Guidelines
Commit early and often
Make commit atomic
Write a meaningful but concise commit message
Selective Tracking: Ignoring Files in Git
we can tell git which files and directories to ignore in a given repo. The common files we never want to commit are as follows
Secret API key
OS files
Log files
Dependencies and Packages
Generate a file named ".gitignore" at the repository's root directory. In this file, we can include patterns that specify which files and folders should be ignored by Git.